step one
Request Services
Complete a simple intake form. This form will ask you a variety of questions that will help us know what kind of services you may benefit from. Are you ready to start the process? Complete the intake form today!
step two
Meeting with Community Fit
After we receive your intake form, we will follow-up with you to set-up a meeting to discuss your needs and goals. During this meeting, we will create a collaborative care plan that is designed to help you reach your goals. We will discuss frequency of appointments, what type of services are needed, and determine the financial assistance Community Fit can provide. This meeting can happen in-person or via Zoom.

step three
Implement Services
After your initial meeting, we will begin to implement your plan of care! We will connect you with the service providers who can best help you reach your goals and we will get you started on your plan!
step four
Review & Renew
During your initial meeting, we will set-up a length of time for which services are being provided. When are you nearing the end of your plan, we will meet again to determine if we should renew the plan, create a new plan, or if you no longer need our services.